Large Scale Landscape Services

We have experience in all kinds of large-scale public and commercial projects.
Whether you need resource or building consent support, expert evidence, a landscape and visual effects assessment, or a landscape statement we are here to help. We can help with design guidance documents including crime minimisation, health and safety, urban design and future planning reports. Our understanding of practical issues like minimising maintenance costs and remediating tired landscaping will save you time and money on your projects.

Areas of Service



including parks, open space development, streetscape, sports grounds Commercial – including shopping centres, business parks, malls, supermarkets and service stations Subdivisional – small and large, split sections and new developments, low income and retirement housing


including motorways, bus stations, rail, and cycle ways


including industrial parks and airports


including waterfront developments, marinas, and beach upgrades


including schools, kindergartens, community centres, and churches


including makeovers, preparation for sale

Scope of Services

The following is an outline of the core services Verdant Green Ltd can provide:


Identifying and developing appropriate solutions through designs, plans, working drawings and specifications work.

Designing and planning ensures coordinated and efficient use of resources. The design is a reflection of your brand, market and present and future needs. A one off landscape assessment makes sure the best aspects of your project are enhanced and the weakest aspects are resolved. It determines innovative and cost effective solutions to suit your needs. The level of detail required depends on the timeframe for completion of the work, who will be doing the implementation and the complexity of the project. Whether you are after a makeover, an upgrade, or a comprehensive redevelopment we have the expertise to see it done right.



Design guidance documents, urban design reports and crime minimization recommendations.

We are involved in the full range of report and guiding document preparation including;

  • Landscape and Visual Effects Assessments
  • Urban Design Reports
  • Crime minimisation
  • Expert evidence
  • Streetscape Guidance documents
  • Graffiti and Vandalism minimisation recommendations
  • Health and Safety, and
  • Feasibility studies.

A report ensures legitimacy in the actions you choose to take on a project. It clarifies your opinions to stakeholders and smooths the way with regulatory authorities. If your project is complex, has a large budget, protracted or staged implementation or potentially high levels of resistance from stakeholders a report is recommended.

Landscape Assessments

This includes environmental and visual impact assessments that prepare policies or inform new developments. The assessment looks at the fit of a development within its surroundings. It suggests ways of mitigating any affects that are less than minor caused by mass, shadow, noise, proximity, traffic and other affects. This is done with the support of other experts.

Urban Design Reports

We are involved in master-planning and scoping projects to re-position your development in the changing environment and context around it. Broad recommendations from this analysis lead to key projects being identified that will provide the greatest benefit for the least expenditure.

Crime Minimisation Recommendations

Graffiti and vandalism are key issues that lead to high ongoing costs in repairs and repainting. There are also other costs in terms of perceptions of an area as dangerous leading to reduced patronage. Left unchecked these issues spiral out of control and cost more to deal with than they would have to intervene early.



Project Management, Site Supervision and Centre Management.

When contractors start to frame up project implementation of your project you can run I into all kinds of complications.

Project management makes sure things happen on time and on or preferably under budget. It provides systems, communication and checks and balances to measure the success of a project and its delivery. We can help with a project management requirements from tendering to costings, from time-frame development to programme of works.

Site supervision makes sure you get what you have paid far by checking along the way that standards, levels of finish and quantities specified are actually achieved. We manage the contractors and subcontractors, stakeholders, public interaction and perceptions. Our processes help to define and clarify scope and we think on our feet to avoid delays or cost over runs that occur when things go wrong.

Centre Management manages the day to day running of a centre. It can effectively deal with numerous small aspects including performance of contractors and suppliers, levels of use of a centre, issues with stakeholders and adjacent businesses, health and safety, graffiti, vandalism and other nuisance.

Owners, body-corporates and tenants are continually trying to balance budgets, attend to repairs and maintenance and shortlist and manage contractors. A centre manager is also able to see the bigger picture and see where a change of tack might prevent unnecessary expenditure – like numerous roof repairs over a long period when a section of roof might better be replaced and the problem be resolved for the longer term. Or where a security light or camera might reduce vandalism or graffiti in a trouble spot.



Monitoring and compliance including specifications of work, cost estimates and time schedules.

Monitoring and Compliance is essentially site supervision with the ability to recommend withholding payment to non-performing contractors or suppliers, and hire and fire of contractors. It involves specifications of work, cost estimates and time schedules that are used to measure performance year-on-year. This means that overheads can be managed and alternative approaches used where things are not currently working.

Once the design and consenting are complete and the project is implemented you are likely to never see any of these contractors or consultants again. It is monitoring during the construction phase that avoids issues that may cost you money in the long run. Like a paint contractor skipping a primer coat that 2-3 years later fails or becomes thin, but they are long gone by this stage. Or a landscaper who is paid to put in 100mm of bark mulch but puts in 20mm. Leading to excessive weeds, poor plant growth, health and longevity and unnecessary replanting costs. Independent monitoring is quite different to site supervision where it may be the contractor or an untrained representative of the owners trying to keep an eye on the quality of workmanship and finish on a build.



Landscape assessments including environmental and visual impact to prepare policies or inform new developments.

Landscape assessments including environmental and visual impact assessments ensure new developments fit within the surrounding environment with less than minor effects on this surrounding development. The recommendations of a Landscape assessment can help to improve the fit of a development through avoidance, mitigation or even enhancement measures. These assessments are only effective where they are impartial and thoroughly assess al potential effects and account for them. This means understanding where stakeholder resistance lies and where it disproven.



Site inspection and analysis including factors such as visual effects, amenity, climate, soil, flora, fauna, surface and sub-surface water drainage.

Site inspection and analysis is called for to prove or disprove something in an objective way, and in a way that can be proven true through peer review. A site analysis looks at what exists on a site and the immediate and wider surrounding area. It is an audit of the existing situation. An inspection may look at more specific aspects relating to condition, integrity, maintenance and other aspects that make up the existing condition of a site and buildings on it. These inspections can include factors such as visual effects, amenity, climate, soil, flora, fauna, surface and subsurface water and drainage. They are often the first step in a report or assessment. Inspections from a number of consultants are only effective if they support each other and provide a fine fabric of objective views that stand up to scrutiny.



Maintenance plans and schedules, cost minimisation, upgrade and recommendations.

Audits include maintenance plans and schedules, cost minimisation analysis, and upgrade recommendations. Most audits are more about saving money and resources than they are about improving the quality of outcomes. There are often many ways of achieving the same ends, for example when designing, implementing and maintaining planting. The success of the approach you choose is in the ongoing costs and drain on your resources for the benefit they provide in other ways (aesthetics, amenity, ecological, environmental, social etc).



Screening and levelling your site to improve how it works and looks. Helping stakeholders and the public to understand the intentions of a proposed development can smooth the way in consenting it. An opportunity for people to air their concerns and have them addressed can defuse animosity and prevent a ground swell. Verdant Green Ltd is involved in many aspects of public awareness, teaching and community support through volunteer work, charity fundraising, public speaking and support of the local community and other local businesses.


Planning, design, management, maintenance and monitoring functional and aesthetics layouts of the built environment.

Planning is a core part of the design process. Planning involves design, management, maintenance and monitoring functional and aesthetic aspects of the built environment. It is a coarse grain part of the design process that gives confidence and certainty that the possible future condition has been adequately considered. Planning can recognise areas suitable for development as well as it protects areas that are unsuitable. The speed at which plans are implemented determines the success of the projects they support. If the planning process is too slow then what is built is already outdated and there may not be sufficient ability for it to adapt to further change.



Sustainable and functional design, in an appropriate location, well managed and maintained, reduced footprint, green techniques and approaches.

Sustainability is an over-used word. Essentially it is considering the full cost of anything you do from design and consultancy, through construction and maintenance and de-commission and replacement. It is the effective use of resources in a way that garners public support and supports and enhances the environment at a local level. Many of these things also make sound economic sense.



Developing policies and plans and implementing and monitoring proposals.

Developing policies and plans and implementing and monitoring proposals is a complex area usually involving multi-disciplinary teams. Key staff at Verdant Green Ltd have been involved in such teams delivering projects including;

  • Regional and rural mapping studies
  • Landscape Description studies
  • River Amenity Mapping, and
  • Plan Change documentation


Expert evidence and representation.

‘Expert’ is a word few prefer to use; the term expert evidence involves preparing sound and considered views on a project or development which will stand up to scrutiny from the public, commissioners and other experts called by the other side. It involves focusing on your own area of knowledge and not commenting on other areas of expertise. This protects your professional standing and avoids unnecessary scrutiny in a hearing. Experts are impartial despite being employed to support the view of one side; they are valued because they can see all sides of an argument and anticipate issues before they appear and have solutions woven into their designs for a development.



Either in-house or supervision of sub-contractors.

Whether we are supervising subcontractors or doing the work ourselves we can help with all kinds of landscape implementation including;

  • Soft landscaping
  • Hard landscaping
  • Re-vegetation
  • Lighting
  • Irrigation
  • Fencing and retaining
  • Decks, drives, paths and patios
  • Water features and sculpture

We are experienced in streetscape, infrastructure, commercial and industrial, public, rural and coastal, residential and subdivisional work. If it involves landscape we can help.



A full range of maintenance services including clearance, demolition, maintenance schedules and budgets, mowing and edging, planting, fertilising, spraying, rubbish removal and mulching.

Whether we are supervising subcontractors or doing the work ourselves we can help with all kinds of landscape implementation including;

  • Soft landscaping
  • Hard landscaping
  • Re-vegetation
  • Lighting
  • Irrigation
  • Fencing and retaining
  • Decks, drives, paths and patios
  • Water features and sculpture

We are experienced in streetscape, infrastructure, commercial and industrial, public, rural and coastal, residential and subdivisional work. If it involves landscape we can help.

If there is anything else you need

don’t hesitate to contact us for advice or a referral

We provide our design services at very competitive rates compared to other companies. We are not just landscape designers but qualified landscape architects, which means a thorough understanding of everything your project needs. Of course we are happy to give free quotes and meet with you to discuss options and prices.